The World of HBOT

We are finally launching our facebook community!

This community was created so that you can get further access to information about HBOT and ask your questions directly to our HBOT expert, Dr. Scott Sherr. This blog post is a teaser of what you will get from our Facebook group; Optimized Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy with Dr. Scott Sherr. We welcome everyone to join our community and learn more about HBOT and how you can gain the extra plus to your treatment!

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Do you know what HBOT is? 

Hello Friends!

Well, HBOT is a treatment that, simply speaking, utilizes two things: air/oxygen and pressure. That's it really. But these two factors can be particularly  powerful in helping one’s body heal and regenerate.  

The not so secret part about HBOT treatments is the oxygen. Oxygen is kind of a big deal. Without it, our cells can’t make ATP, our cellular energy currency.  Combining oxygen with increased atmospheric pressure drives more oxygen into your blood and as a result, there is more circulating oxygen for your cells to tap into. Furthermore, oxygen activates a whole host of beneficial oxygen-dependent genes. Turning these switches on teaches the body how to work more efficiently at the cellular level. It's like getting an extra 10 miles per gallon.  A new kind of fuel efficiency!   

The more secret and under appreciated part of HBOT is the actual pressurized hyperbaric environment; pressure itself confers some amazing benefits.  In a chamber, we simulate the pressure you would feel under hanging out under a certain depth of sea water. The best way is to think of pressure as a form of  ‘touchless’ massage. As the pressure increases, the air in the chamber gets denser and exerts a force and thus a weight on you, kind of like your 200lb chiseled Swedish masseuse.  A soft massage never relieves your aching body, so you ask Hans, your Swedish Masseuse, “more pressure please Hans”. Similarly, you say to your hyperbaric chamber, more pressure than normal pressure please chamber, and it delivers. 

The increased atmospheric pressure does not feel like someone manually giving you a massage but it has many of the same benefits.  In addition, the pressure from a hyperbaric chamber reaches much deeper into the body than Hans’s massage can despite his huge biceps :)  HBOT massages all the blood, plasma, cerebrospinal fluid, and lymph in your system. This leads to improved circulation to your muscles, organs, and bones as well as improved detoxification. It’s truly a full body massage. 

Stay tuned for more posts! And possibly more stories of chiseled masseuses

/ Dr. Scott


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